Russian business portal «Strategy»

Established Business > Production and industrial enterprises > Equipment manufacturing > Manufacture of refrigeration equipment
Manufacture of refrigeration equipment
  • Age (months): 84
  • Revenue: 6000000
  • Profit: 2000000
  • Business Share: 100 %

Manufacture of refrigeration equipment

Price: 55000000 RUB


- cubic refrigerated display cases.
Medium-temperature +2 +7, universal -5 +5, low-temperature -13 -18
- refrigerated cabinets with bent glass.
Medium-temperature +2 +7, universal -5 +5, low-temperature -13 -18.
- confectionery refrigerated cabinets.
Production capacity allows to produce 100 units of new equipment and 200 units of other products.

Production has been operating for more than 7 years, staffed.

  • Country: Russia
  • Town: Saransk

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